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2025 An Evening Under the Luna Auction
Saturday, September 6, 2025
Kataluna Horse Rescue
Kataluna Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating slaughter-bound horses.  We vow to help any horse in need but focus primarily on feedlot and auction yards in the Pacific Northwest.  We specifically identify horses who have endured physical and emotional trauma.  Horses are brought to the ranch, provided proper feed, farrier and veterinary care, and granted a safe and loving environment to heal physically and emotionally.  Rehabilitation encourages freedom of choice to foster trust and ultimately to find a forever-loving home.  Kataluna recently opened its doors to extreme medical cases and hospice care.  Since its start in 2018, Kataluna Horse Rescue has successfully rescued and changed the lives of over 125 horses!

This September, we are hosting our second annual silent auction fundraiser in hopes of raising awareness and support for horses in need.  Join us for a heartfelt night filled with fun games, wonderful food, live music, a live Liberty performance by Cavalia trainer Juliette Cimetiere, and of course amazing auction items. Please help us reach our goal of raising $125,000 for this event. 

For our exciting array of auction items and experiences, please check back often as we are continually adding items.

When: September 6th, 2025, beginning at 4:00 p.m.

Where: 3807 324th Ave SE, Fall City, WA 98024

Dress: Cocktail attire.  Please be aware this event is being held at our main farm so choose your shoes carefully (heels not advised due to gravel, grass, and dirt).

Our auction is dedicated to raising money for Kataluna Horse Rescue. 

Proceeds go directly to the needs of the program, care of the horses, and rescue from the slaughter pipeline.

How to Help: Please consider:

  • Donating an auction item.
  • Acquiring a Sponsorship for an individual, family, or business.
  • Attending the event. We'd love to see you there!

This Year's Goal: $125,000

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Thank You to Our Sponsors: